How To Treat Gastrointestinal Complaints in Three Easy Steps with Balance Method Acupuncture
We now know that our Gut is the foundation of health.
And 90% of our brain health is related also to our Gut health.
This Course Will Cover:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Lump in Throat (Globus Hystericus)
- Pain in Hypochondriac Region
- Pain in Epigastric Region
- Abdominal related complaints
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Gas
- 8 Magical for any digestive issues
- 25 pages of beautiful full color notes
40% of the population suffers from GI discomfort of unknown causes
15% of the population suffers with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Here is a course that will show you how to clearly and easily use the 3 step method to treat internal gastrointestinal disorders.
Your Instructor
Kris Oosting has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine since 2003.
Early on in his acupuncture career Kris found himself attending a Dr. Tan seminar. It was at this seminar with Dr. Tan that changed everything for Kris. Now almost 20 years later Kris is just as passionate about the Balance Method as he was during that first class with Dr. Tan, and now he has accumulated a high level of experience and expertise that he realizes the best way to give back is to pass on his knowledge.
For the past several years Kris has been actively teaching students, and has trained close to 1000 acupuncturists in the Netherlands. And now in collaboration with BradWhisnantSeminars has been developing online course to help reach more students.
In October 2020, Kris published his first book titled Balance Method Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain and Discomfort. And then in October 2021, his second book was published with title Balance Method Acupuncture for The Treatment of Pain and Discomfort - Volume 2. Currently Kris is working on a third book on Meridian Conversion, Seasonal Balance, Wu Xing, and the Strategy of the Twelve Magical Points.